Liste de lecture pour jeunes femmes engagées

Reading list for committed young women

Reading list for committed young women

Good morning!

This is Joelle, book lover and self-proclaimed bookworm. How many of you want to go on a trip but can't due to COVID-19 restrictions? I have good news! Books allow you to travel while staying on the sofa in your cocoon of blankets. In the words of Mason Cooley, reading gives us somewhere to go when we need to stay where we are.

The FFANE youth committee presents its reading list for committed young women. The following texts are written by committed and engaging women of Acadian, Innu, Pakistani, Franco-Moroccan and other origins. We hope these books will bring you inspiration, freedom and thrills.

Good reading!


Kuessipan - Naomi Fontaine

Kuessipan - Naomi Fontaine

"Kuessipan is a moving book that introduces us to everyday life on an Innu reserve. It is with the grace and accuracy of a dazzling language that the author Naomi Fontaine evokes this reality. Kuessipan: Innu word meaning “over to you” or “your turn”.

These are places, known and loved faces. nomadic hunters. Nostalgic fishermen. The portraits. Lives around the bay which reflects the things of the Earth. Hares. The bank. Rituals. The caribou skin drums that make the women dance. Children growing up. Old people watching time go by. Salmon to fish. Spruces. Visible and invisible barriers. Ephemeral pleasures. Brain-busting alcohol. Souvenirs. Train journeys. And above all the evidence that life is this set of pieces to fit together so that the symphony is born."


Fever of our hands, Requiem in weeping willow, Gymnastics for an evening of eels, The prodigious life - Rose Després

 Fièvre de nos mains, Requiem en saule pleureur, Gymnastique pour un soir d'anguilles, La vie prodigieuse - Rose Després

"More than a song of memories, his first four collections are energized by this voice which denounces injustices, rises up against human failings, difficult relationships with others, and demands freedom." - REFC
"The combative personality of Rose Després does not vanish in writing. Her poems show us a woman who constantly constructs herself in her inalienable freedom, from
✋ of situations which come at each moment to modify the residues of the present choices." - Jocelyne Felix,

Quebec letters



Moi, Malala - Malala Yousafzai

Moi ,Malala

"Testimony of this young Pakistani, victim of Taliban obscurantism, who embarrasses extremists by her commitment to the education of girls in the world." - Renaud Bray









The land of others - Leila Slimani


"After the Liberation, Mathilde, a young Alsatian, and Amine Belhaj, a Moroccan veteran in the French army, settled in Meknes. In this city where the system of colonial segregation applies rigorously, the couple must fight to make their place, between sacrifices, humiliations and racism. A story inspired by the author's grandmother that ends in 1956."

- Libraries






The Scarlet Maid - Margaret Atwood


"Faced with the drastic drop in fertility, the republic of Gilead, recently founded by religious fanatics, reduced the few still fertile women to the rank of sexual slaves. Dressed in red, Defred, a "scarlet maid" among others, who has been stripped of her name, puts her body in the service of his Commander and his wife. In the evening, returning to her austere monastic room, she thinks of the time when women had the right to read, to work... By joining a secret network, she will try everything to regain her freedom. First published in 1985, The Scarlet Maid has sold millions of copies worldwide. Having become a classic of English literature, this novel, which evokes the 1984 by George Orwell, describes a chilling daily life that has never seemed so close, reminding us how fragile our freedoms are.

- Libraries

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